Od obrazu do infrastruktury
Let Me Help You
The One as a crowd
rich lazy happy sad anxious poor beautiful man
digital figures (google)
neither artificial nor intelligence
pixelated cookies
How To Be Seen
promo&promo | animations for UKEN
find out what adulthood means
animation samples
Carmen Machado / Kraków Culture magazine
pieniadz / money
sth new is coming
than to convince them that they are being deceived
web page for the doctoral school
All the Eiffel Towers of the World
How It Works - plenary session during doctoral studies
NFT | podrecznik po digitalowej rewolucji
Dobre praktyki digitalizacji
tram, cloud, twitter
dark mother
Every photo has its own history
so now you know
blue lies
| odpocznij |
old woman in the attic
| Krajanka |
BORROWED faces | an illustrated project
hall of fame stickers
social media
wear that | art on a t-shirt
Nutka | illustrated book
book covers
bike your mood | stickers
graphic design & illustrations
Buzi Studio
Nutka | Hint [novel / podcast] 2019-2020
Korpo Game Story [stop motion animation] 2020
Anna Molska, Open Field, Flat Terrain [exhibition] 2019
Networkers [art project] 2018
Can You Feel It? [exhibition-as-movie] 2018
Home Trans [stop motion animation] 2018
From the Hand [series of photography] 2017-2018
Jaśmina Wójcik, The Spa [art project] 2014-2015
projects for Bunkier Sztuki 2010-2017
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